
Xenofact condenses his blog posts, ideas, and more into helpful Xines! Which are like Zines but he used an “X” because of his name, because why not?


Vault of Slack 3 – The third issue! Ranting! Ways to fight the Conspiracy! Supernatural Wisdom! Strange travelogues! It’s all here unless it’s in another issue! (Buy it in print at Ko-fi).

Vault of Slack 2 – The second issue of this quarterly zine of weirdness, ranting, SubGenius lore, true insights, and utter bullshit. Created by multiple Yetikin. Indispensable. (Buy it in print at Ko-fi).

Vault of Slack 1 – A Quarterly team zine edited and formatted by Xenofact, with contributions from many Yetikin. How can you NOT buy it? Print is out of stock, but you can get PDF at Ko-Fi and

Dispatches From The Church of The Unanswered Question – Get a big batch of the Dispatches in actual print form! Along with a rantroduction, SubGenius resources, and just a bit more! (Print at


Xenofact’s Xine 5 – Hear how Xenofact visited a Bigfoot museum! Discuss how people imagine saving children so they don’t have to help real ones. Get some deep thoughts on how a reading of the I Ching turned out to be . . . stress reducing? Xenofact has musings on spirituality, psychology, politics, and more! Rounds up Xenofact’s blog posts from February 2024 to April 2024! Available in print and PDF form (Print at (free PDF – or

Xenofact’s Xine 4 – Are most messiahs just egomaniacs trying to save us from previous messiahs? What’s it like to cultivate a mental “ecosystem” in one’s spiritual practice? For that matter, have role-playing games influenced the culture of spiritual merchandise? Join Xenofact in musings, speculations, and ranting on spiritual, psychological, and religious issues -and the economic ones tied to it. Contains his blog posts from November 2023 to January 2024! Available in print and PDF form (Print at (free PDF – or

Xenofact’s Xine 3 – A third roundup of thoughts, theories, and polite rants where Xenofact ruminates on everything from cults “led” by “prodigies” to Taoism and hypochondria. Contains his blog posts from August to October of 2023! Available in print and PDF form (Print at (free PDF – or

Xenofact’s Xine 2 – The second gathering of Xenofac’ts columns from May through July 2023, gathered for your reading! He goes into hateful gurus, City magic, Taoist weirdoes, and more! Available in print and PDF form (Print at (free PDF – or

Xenofact’s Xine 1 – A gathering of columns from Xenofact’s website,  From the trouble of sharing mystical experiences to how our culture ruins potential wisdom, Xenofact holds forth on a variety of subjects.   Contains the first twelve columns from his website! (Print at (free PDF – or


Xenofact’s Job Hacks – Get tips collected from my career to survive and even prosper in the hellworld of employment. Taken from my blog posts and expanded, it’s a buffet of ideas to make the job work for you. (Print at (free PDF – or